Getting Started Guide & Resources

Generate AI Photos

Quick Start Guide
  1. Create a free account to receive 50 starter credits
  2. Browse our gallery of AI models or train your own custom model
  3. Select a model and click "Generate" to start creating photos
  4. Use credits to generate unique AI images (10 credits per image)
Advanced Generation Tips
  • Write detailed prompts including pose, setting, lighting, and style
  • Experiment with different aspect ratios for various photo formats
  • Generate multiple variations to explore different possibilities
  • Use the same seed number to reproduce similar images

Train Custom AI Models

Preparing Your Training Data
  • Collect 10-20 high-quality nude photos of the same person
  • Ensure all photos are of the exact same person - mixing different people will give poor results
  • Use only fully nude photos without any clothing or underwear for best training results
  • For adult performer models: Include a mix of face and full body nude photos of the same performer
  • For celebrity models: Use 5-10 face-only photos of the celebrity, plus 5-10 nude body photos (without face) using a consistent body type
  • Ensure good lighting and various angles in your photos
  • Remove any watermarks or text from training images
  • Include both close-up and full-body shots for best results
Training Process
  1. Upload your prepared reference images
  2. Create a detailed base prompt describing the model
  3. Introduce model name and short description or bio
  4. Start the training process which may take 5-10 minutes
  5. Test your model with different prompts once training completes

Earn with XmodelsAI

Publishing Models
  • Create and train unique, high-quality AI models
  • Submit your model for review and publication
  • Earn rewards when users generate photos with your model
  • The reward is $0.025 per generation, allowing you to earn $25 for each 1,000 images.
Additional Earning Options
  • Join our affiliate program to earn 10% commission on referrals
  • Track earnings for published models and affiliate program in your dashboard
  • Withdraw earnings via one of the accepted cryptocurrencies

Help & Resources


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